Na Twitteru je objavila snimku razrušenog grada.
“Bahmut, jedna od najusijanijih tački ratišta u istočnoj Ukrajini. Zapravo, ovo je ostalo od Bahmuta. Ruski barbari koriste istu taktiku koju su koristile u Mariupolju – ako ne mogu zauzeti grad, artiljerijom ga pretvore u prah”, napisala je Džepar, prenosi Radiosarajevo.
#Bakhmut – one of the hottest points on the battlefield in Eastern #Ukraine. Actually, this is what has left from Bakhmut. #russian barbarians pursue the same tactic as they did in #Mariupol. If they can’t take the city,they turn it into dust from artillery then#StandWithUkraine
— Emine Dzheppar (@EmineDzheppar) December 3, 2022