Kao što možete vidjeti na videosnimci, na raskršću je crveno svjetlo i dvoje pješaka prelazi cestu gurajući kolica.
U jednom trenutku, otprilike šest sekundi kasnije, kroz crveno svjetlo prolazi Jeep koji vozi Ernesto Otanez Oveso.
Ne misli usporiti, a kamoli stati, te ide direktno prema pješacima. Međutim, tada okomito na njega dolazi Chevrolet Cruze kojim upravlja 27-godišnja vozačica. Ona ne usporava, nego udara u Jeep i odbacuje ga.
Chevy Cruz protects pedestrians in crosswalk
A hero in the form of a Chevy Cruze may have saved the lives of a couple pushing a stroller through a Phoenix crosswalk.The people were trying to cross Indian School at 53rd Avenue late in the evening when a car came barreling through the red light.A Chevrolet Cruz on 53rd Avenue entered the intersection on a green light when a Jeep driven by Ernesto Otanez Oveso slammed into that car, just a few feet away from the pedestrians.Oveso and a woman in the car with him took off running after the accident. Oveso noticed a witness was following him and told that man to stop, even stabbing one of the doors on his car.The 28-year-old was arrested on DUI and aggravated assault charges. Police also found a gun in the Jeep so an additional prohibited possession charge was added.The woman with Oveso at the time of the crash was not located.The driver of that Chevy Cruz was a 27-year-old woman. While she did suffer injuries, they were not life-threatening. Oct 14, 2019.10:10pm 53rd Ave & Indian School.
Gepostet von City of Phoenix Police Department am Mittwoch, 23. Oktober 2019
U objavi videa policija Finiksa već je vozačicu Chevroleta proglasila “junakinjom”. Inače, nesreća se dogodila u kasnim večernjim satima, a prema izvještaju policije Oveso je sa suvozačicom pobjegao s mjesta nesreće u svom Jeepu.
Svjedok ih je pratio, a Oveso je vidjevši to napao i njega. Na kraju ih je uhvatila policija. Oveso je bio pod uticajem opijata, a u Jeepu su pronašli i pištolj.
Junakinja iz Chevroleta je u sudaru povrijeđena, ali je izvan životne opasnosti, prenosi “Index“.